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The founders

Passionate about the fascinating world of bees and the therapeutic powers of their treasures, we have decided to apply our passion to the service of all.

We are pleased to offer you a range of beekeeping products, seasonal honeys, royal jelly, cosmetic and well-being treatments, not to mention meads.

The benefits of bee products are known and recognized, we invite you to browse, discover and enjoy them.

Contact us if you have any questions, we will be happy to answer you.

Florence & Cedric


A beekeeper for almost twenty years, Florence has dabbled in all the specialties of beekeeping.
First focused on her honey harvest, she then explored the life of the hive, passionately discovered an organized, synchronized universe, where each individual has his place and devotes his life to the balance of the community.
From then on, she has never ceased to take care of the well-being of her colonies, and to get closer to her bees by going to discover their treasures.
Propolis, royal jelly, pollen, wax, honey, venom and bee bread hold no secrets for her. It is on the strength of all these years of practice that Florence imagined the Ruche & Flore range, produced with absolute respect for bees, that is to say that none of the samples taken (honey, propolis, etc.) disturb the magic balance of the hive.

Our approach

Ruche & Flore was born from the simple idea of a beekeeping range at the service of all.

Bees provide us with treasures that can accompany us to get in good shape every day. We have designed our Ruche & Flore range as a line of products to take care of oneself, made up of delicacies, treatments and cosmetics.

To do this, we have surrounded ourselves with a few excellent partners who passionately transform our honeys and other bee products. We would like to thank them very much, they are part of Ruche & Flore in their own way.

Do bees interest or fascinate you? discover more in our “the world of bees” tab… and browse our shop to take advantage of our offers and products.

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